Sunday, March 17, 2013

Creating Healthy Marriages
Posted On 2013-03-13 04:49:15

Creating the relationship you want takes work and demands attention.  Like anything else in life the effort we put in will determine the results.  While I cannot offer any "magic" solutions to marital problems my years as a counselor have taught a few very simple and practical tools.. The first thing I tell my clients is that if you want a happier relationship it is better to be" kind" than it is to be "right"..  Many arguments can be avoided in relationships if we remember that an opinion is just that ,it is not a contest to dominate or control a relationship.  If we are really honest most of the time when we argue to win our point we are simply feeling threatened that the other person does not agree with us . A good practice is to observe our desire to convince others that our opinion is "right" is simply a way we attempt to bolster our own ego.
These are the kinds of issues that we address in marital therapy as a way to improve communication and cooperation.  Psychotherapy cannot resolve a lack of commitment to a marriage , however it can help a committed couple find a path to a more peaceful and happier relationship.  Other suggestions will be presented in future blogs.  If you have questions feel free to look up our website, or call our practice for additional information @ 540-825-2788.
Keywords: psychotherapist marriage therapist counselling

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