Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Take the time during your holiday to reflect on Blessing.  One of the most sacred experiences we have as humans is the experience of connection.  We often overlook this and focus our attention on the "stuff" of life. When we feel connected we experience greater Peace, Joy and Happiness.  The acquisition of stuff has only transient value and in fact often heightens our sense of frustration or restlessness. The mind cannot experience Peace through stuff it only wants more stuff which is endlessly stressful.

Try this exercise this Holiday season.  When you give or receive a gift think of it as a Blessing.  think of the gift as a symbol of the connection you feel with the giver or the recipient. We are actually giving and receiving ourselves at the deepest level. Notice the increased fullness and Joy you experience when you focus on Blessing and Connection. Connection is the true Gift that life offers.  Don't miss the gift or overlook the Blessing by getting too caught up in the hype and material focus that surrounds us.

May your Holiday and all of your days be a Blessing, full of Peace, Joy and Connection. Call us @ Professional Alternatives, PLC 540-825-2788 if you are have difficulty with connection in your life or visit us on the web @ professionalcounselingpiedmontva.com

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