Monday, May 13, 2013

Make Your Relationship a Top priority

If asked, most of us would say it is important to remember birthdays an anniversaries. What is less emphasized is the importance of making our relationships a priority every day. Remember when your relationship was new, it was constantly on your mind. You spent time and energy letting your partner know much they meant to you. As relationships become routines we often fall into complacency and making the assumption that our beloved will always be there. When this happens we forget that a relationship can only thrive when we continue to invest in it.

For a month try to make an investment in your relationship every day. Acknowledge the small but important things your loved one does. Make a special effort to spend some time every day sharing your life with each other. Say "I Love You" often. Take time to do something special together each week. Plan a getaway for an evening or a weekend. Write a love-letter, share a favorite song, look at the sunset together.  Engage regularly in bringing beauty and creativity into your life together. At the end of the month talk about your experience and think about what has changed in your relationship.

When we invest in making our relationship a priority we strengthen and support the bond that brought us together.  When we live in a static or habitual pattern our relationship suffers and the bond weakens between us. Live each day as if it is the last day and each day will be filled with joy and a sweet recognition of the importance of your beloved. If your marriage has become stagnant or you are experiencing difficulty give us a call @Professional Alternatives, PLC 540-825-2788 or visit us on the web @ we can help.